This is one of the most recurring issues in Essbase
database. Let’s discuss the causes and resolution to this issue.
- In between an Essbase transaction (data load, calculation script execution, data backup, planning database refresh etc.) Essbase server shuts down abnormally.
- You try to force kill specific processes (data load, data backup, calculation script execution, planning database refresh etc.) and Essbase not being able to kill the process. Essbase starts showing never ending terminating process in sessions. Be sure, this is the start of the end of application which will eventually give above error.
These are few causes that I have faced during my Hyperion tenure.
Share your thoughts if you could add up to these causes.
My take on this is I can understand this issue occurring during
abnormal shut down, but what I am not very comfortable is with the second
Planning based Essbase applications are more prone to this
Here’s the fix to this issue that works for me,
- Login to Essbase server
- Go to task manager -> processes in case your server is windows based / Enter command ps –ef grep|’hyperionadmin’ in case your server is Linux based
- Force kill all the ESSSVR process which are tampering your application
- Restart the Essbase server
In most of the cases, these steps should resolve your issue.
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